The resulting entry here is what the Constructible Object form targets, so that had to be changed once I was done with this entry.

Then into the "Object Mod / Attach Point / gun / Scope" -section, and this time chose the existing 10mm pistol 4x combat scope entry to copy. Then I went into the root of the "MiscItem" -section, did the same thing with the existing recon scope entry, and created a combat scope. The "required item list" would need to be changed to match other 4x combat scopes, although I set it simply to 1 steel for testing purposes. It links to the "created object", which I had to change later. I went into the "Constructible Object" -section, found the recon scope for the 10mm SMG there, edited it and saved it as a new form. Hopefully this bit of advice helps though. esp that would simply have the required forms and such, so that I could upload a patch that people can use. However, at this point I don't even know how to create a new. This way I am, I found out, actually editing the 10mm SMG mod, which is why I can't upload the resulting file anywhere unfortunately. I went to File > Data and ticked the box on the 10mmSMG.esp and 3dscopes.esp (See-Through Combat Scopes), setting the 10mmSMG.esp as active. I'm using the Fallout 4 Mod Organizer, so I started the Creation Kit from it, after first having added it to it's executables. I thought I'd post my progress here at this point, and later on whether I get the scope aligned properly, and whether it actually works as it should, and doesn't crash the game. I read the comment I mentioned in the OP a couple times, as well as the tutorial PDF from the See-Through-Scopes Framework DEVKIT package, loaded up the Creation Kit, did some copying of forms, and ended up with some degree of success. If you're not interested in how to jury rig a See-Through Combat Scope onto a weapon of your choosing, then you can skip all of this. I have had some success! Apologies for the huge wall of text that follows.